Simple, cost-effective solutions to enhance accessibility on building projects of every scale

As specialist commercial disability contractors, our aim is to help clients enhance disabled access provision across all sectors. This includes Retail and Leisure, through to Education and Industry. Projects include:

  • Disabled Adaptations
  • Changing Places Toilets
  • Accessible New Build Facilities
  • Disability Building Conversions
  • Modular Disabled Access Extensions

20 Years Commercial Design and Build Construction Experience

All commercial projects are undertaken in collaboration with our sister company Kent Structures, a well-established and trusted design and build contractor.

Design and Build projects to date have spanned almost every commercial sector. Kent Structures is experienced in delivering accessible and disability enabled buildings of every kind.

For full details, visit the Kent Structures website >

Image of DDA compliant industrial units with company logos
Image of person ticking off DDA Compliance list

DDA Compliant Commercial Building Projects

If you are a commercial client, we can ensure your project is compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and meets with current disability access standards.

If you already have a Disability Access Consultant (DDA Consultant), we can work with them during the preliminary design stage to ensure any disability access issues are addressed before construction begins.

As a design and build specialist, you will also have our full support throughout the planning process.

Promoting Accessible and Disability Enabled Facilities

As a company we are keen to promote greater disabled access and changing places toilets in public and commercial spaces.

Our accessibility specialists can design and implement accessibility solutions that exceed the minimum legal requirements.

Taking this initiative enables businesses to make their premises accessible to a greater number of potential clients and employees.

We are always happy to discuss ways in which we can help promote disabled access within your business. So please feel free to get in touch with the team if you need feedback on a prospective project.

Photo of wheelchair accessible toilet sign

Need a specialist DDA design and build contractor?

If you are seeking a specialist commercial disability contractor for a building project, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to discuss your project and provide a free no obligation quote.

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